National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
September 30, 2023 will mark the third National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada and Orange Shirt Day. On Friday, September 29th, students and staff at Lakehead Public Schools will participate in a variety of learning opportunities to deepen understanding about the Residential School system in Canada and our individual and collective roles and responsibilities in the work of reconciliation.
In our schools on this day you will see school-wide read-alouds and shared experiences to action learning, guest speakers, student-led activities, virtual learning opportunities that center Indigenous voices, and lots of orange shirts to show our support and solidarity.
We honour and remember the Survivors, their families, and the children who never made it home. We know that every child is a gift to be celebrated and at Lakehead Public Schools we continue to promote learning environments that are inclusive and respectful.
The Program department is hosting a two-part in-person session for staff to bead their own orange shirt pin. The session will take place over the course of 2 evenings: Thursday, September 14 and Thursday, September 21 at Victoria Park Training Center from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Lakehead Public Schools is pleased to offer staff the opportunity to promote “Every Child Matters”, engage with colleagues through a meaningful activity, and create a beautiful pin. Interested staff can fill out the following form to register 2023-Beading Orange Shirt Pin Session. All materials and a light snack will be provided.
All members of our school communities are invited to join Lakehead Public Schools in the Honouring Our Children Run for Reconciliation on Saturday, September 30th at Boulevard Lake in support of Mazinaajim Children’s Foundation. Register and view details here.