Supporting Students for a Successfull Back to School

Back to school is generally associated with feelings of excitement and anticipation related to starting a new grade, seeing friends, and diving back into social activities and sports. However, for some students, back to school can be a daunting experience and can result in feelings of anxiety and stress.

HELP WITH ANXIETY, STRESS, OR MENTAL HEALTH – Lakehead Public Schools has developed resources to help students and families manage anxiety, stress, and mental health. We are closely associated with professional organizations that offer help to students who are seeking assistance in improving their mental health or navigate negative emotions. Students, family members, and staff can click here to access resources and contact information for help with anxiety, stress, and mental health.

SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH BACKPACK – Children’s Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) has developed a collection of resources, helpful tips, and a direct contact to professionals for children and families to access for assistance and answers relating to children’s mental health. Click here to access the School Mental Health Backpack and learn support tips, communication tips, and more information relating to back to school.